Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Partial Quotient Algorithm

Hello all,

I heard you all loud and clear at Open House. Yes, the math I am teaching your children is different from the math we all learned in school. And thank goodness! Math was hard (back then) for students who couldn't memorize the steps or who asked why at all during math class.

The focus has shifted in the past 10 years from memorization of algorithms to a better number sense, an understanding of the why behind the math, and application in a variety of problems. I will be posting videos and articles explaining the rationale behind the my teaching throughout the year, so keep checking back. And don't worry, your children will learn all of the standard algorithms in time, but they may also realize that the most efficient method is not always the standard algorithm! Click the link below to watch my first video on the partial quotient algorithm.

As always, feel free to reach out with any comments or questions. Better yet, make a plan to come in and be a "student for a day" in my math class!

Partial Quotients

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